Sunday, February 7, 2010

LKG girl student living in agony

Pemmaraju Sree Manaswini, a four-year-old LKG student of Akshara Public School, who had her eye badly damaged allegedly due to caning by her teacher in December last, is still stalked by fear and trauma.

The Tanuku police registered a case against Y. Sridevi, a teacher in Akshara Public School, under Section 329 (causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons) following a complaint by her mother, Jayalakshmi, who is also the Palangi Village Revenue Officer. Although the shocking case of corporal punishment was reported two months ago, it came to light now with the belated complaint being lodged by the victim’s mother. Ms. Jayalakshmi wanted the school Correspondent also to be punished “as he is also responsible for the incident”. “I will not rest until the Correspondent is also brought to book,” a fuming Ms. Jayalaskhmi told The Hindu.

“I was beaten up by my teacher with a stick, saying my handwriting was poor,” recollects Sree Manaswini. She had her damaged eye operated upon in L.V. Prasad Eye Hospital after which an artificial lens was implanted in her left eye, replacing the damaged natural lens.

In a medical report, the authorities of the hospital stated, “The examination of left eye showed edema of lids, conjunctiva showed sub-conjunctival haemorrhage and cornea showed diffuse (corneal) stromal edema.” The family incurred a whopping Rs. 50,000 towards the cost of treatment for Manaswini till now.
Sobbing in a corner

“When I reached the school after receiving a phone call from the school authorities, my child with her eye swollen was found sobbing in a corner of the classroom with no school authorities near her,” recalls the student’s father Saikiran. Mr. Saikiran appealed to the government to cancel the school’s recognition.

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